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100% Placement Guarantee in Aviation

I’m so grateful that I joined the neerja School of Aviation it helped me to get a job at Air India. The faculties here were like family, who will support our all needs and moulded us to perform in any interview. The trainers here are like ladders who will help you to climb and understand our weak points and help us reach your goals. Joining neerja School of Aviation was one of the best decisions in my life.

Benita Rose Babu
Cabin Crew At Air India
testimonial no

Neerja, one of the best things that happened to me this year which molded me into who I am today. I really appreciate the fact that at Neerja you are provided with information that will make your journey to become a cabin Crew much easier and achievable. Will be forever grateful!!

Sherin Victor
Cabin Crew At Vistara
testimonial updated

There are so many things I wants to say about Neerja. All of which can be summed up in just three words- Thanks for Everything I couldn’t ask for a better Institute than Neerja school of aviation where dreams come true.

Athira M
Spice Jet Security
updated review

It was always my dream to work in an Aviation Industry and today I am part of Indigo Airlines & all credit goes to Neerja School of Aviation. Lead Cabin Crew and OTHER Experienced Airport officials take classes at Neerja which makes it unique. It is not just an Educational Institute but my family, who has supported and guided me in the right path to boost my confidence level and come out.

Muhammad Shahan
Ground Staff At Indigo
testimonial review